Tuesday, March 30, 2010


On Wednesday March 24, the Winnipeg Relay For Life held their Relay For Life Kick-off at the Tijuana Yacht Club.

Everyone who attended enjoyed some live entertainment by Kim Reimer and her band. Curve 94.3’s Andrea Collins did a live remote from the kick-off and Kim Malchuk was there promoting her book Tasting Rain, of which she is donating $5 from every book sold towards Relay For Life.
The committee would like to extend a big thank you to Canad Inns Polo Park for their generosity in hosting the kick off and for all the snacks and refreshments. Also, a huge thanks goes to The Cupcake Corner who donated the delicious mini cupcakes for the event.

25 survivors registered that evening alone, and we now have a total of 48 teams, comprised of 312 participants so far! Keep up the good work and keep spreading the word!

To register your team, go to www.cancer.ca/relay

Friday, March 26, 2010

Local Musician writes special song for Relay

For those of you who were at Relay For Life last year, you will recall Natalie Ramsey, a talented local musician who wrote a song especially for our Relay titled I Will be the One.

We are happy to announce that Natalie will be back to perform at our Relay this year! She will also be performing at the Team Captain/Survivor Reception at Canad Inns on Monday, April 26.

To listen and watch her youtube video of I Will be the One, click on the link below.

Natalie Ramsey

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Join us tomorrow night for our Relay For Life Kick-off!

If you're a Relay participant, come help us kick off another great year!

If you've never particpated, come find out what all the talk is about!

Be the first to see this year's new Relay For Life clothing line!

Enjoy snacks and refreshments oncluding delicious cupcakes courtesy of the Cupcake Corner!

Curve 94.3 will be boradcasting live on the air!

The party goes from 6-9 PM at the Tijuana Yacht Club, Canad Inns Polo Park (you must be 18 + to attend)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

No tan is a safe tan!

With March spring break approaching, the Canadian Cancer Society reminds us of the dangers of tanning and debunks some tanning myths. If you’re thinking of getting a "base tan" by using a tanning bed or sun lamp before going on a sunny holiday, you may want to think again.

“There's no safe way to get a tan,” says Heather Chappell, Director, Cancer Control Policy, Canadian Cancer Society. “Tanned skin is damaged skin. When your skin changes colour after being exposed to ultraviolet (UV) rays, it's because your skin is trying to protect itself.”

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. It's also one of the most preventable.

In 2009, 5,000 Canadians were expected to be diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer and about 940 died from the disease. Melanoma incidence rates are increasing each year. Non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common form of cancer among Canadians, with 75,100 expected cases in 2009 and 270 expected deaths.

“In order to reduce your risk of skin cancer, the Society advises Canadians not to use indoor tanning equipment,” says Chappell.

Myths and Facts

The indoor tanning industry has promoted false claims that tanning is safe. Here are the facts:

Myth: There is no conclusive evidence that indoor tanning causes cancer.

Fact: Yes there is . World renowned cancer research experts have determined there is a direct link between using indoor tanning equipment and skin cancer. No studies have proved otherwise. In 2009, the World Health Organization upgraded the classification of UV-emitting devices, including tanning beds, from a probable carcinogen to a known carcinogen – in other words, from something that we think probably causes cancer to something that we know causes cancer.

Myth: Indoor tanning is safe as long as you don’t burn

Fact: There is no safe way to get a tan . Any type and amount of exposure to UV rays can be harmful as it is responsible for DNA damage which increases a person’s cancer risk. Tanned skin is damaged skin. In fact, any use of indoor tanning equipment before the age of 35 has been found to increase the risk of melanoma by 75%.

Myth: A tan protects you from the sun.

Fact: A tan offers almost no protection from sunlight or burning. And some tanning beds can expose you to 5 times more radiation than the sun. Getting a tan from a tanning bed doesn’t properly protect you from the sun.

Myth: Visiting the tanning salon is a good way to get my vitamin D.

Fact: Tanning beds are not a safe way to get your vitamin D. It is safer to get it from limited exposure to the sun, supplements and your diet. You don’t need a tan to get the benefits of vitamin D. In the fall and winter, a supplement is a much safer and cheaper way to get your vitamin D.

Myth: Having a tan is healthy.

Fact : No, it’s not. When your skin colour changes, it’s damaged and that can lead to premature aging and skin cancer.

Because indoor tanning is especially harmful to young people, the Canadian Cancer Society believes that:

People under the age of 18 should not be allowed by law to use indoor tanning equipment.

Indoor tanning advertising aimed at people under the age of 18 should be banned.

To help protect all Canadians from the harm of indoor tanning, the Society also believes that:

Federal, provincial and territorial governments should regulate the indoor tanning industry by requiring UV equipment to be registered, staff to be licensed and equipment and premises to be inspected regularly.

UV-emitting devices should be labeled in a way that clearly explains the health risks.

To read more about indoor tanning go to: http://www.cancer.ca/

The Canadian Cancer Society fights cancer by doing everything we can to prevent cancer, save lives and support people living with cancer. Join the fight! Go to fightback.ca to find out how you can help. When you want to know more about cancer, visit our website at cancer.ca or call our toll-free bilingual Cancer Information Service at 1-888 939-3333.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We've all heard that a glass of wine prevents heart disease and cancer, but just exactly how much is a healthy amount?

Click on the the following link to find out how much alcohol is a moderate amount!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Relay For Life - We walk!

Thanks to Winnipeg Relay For Life committee member, Heather for taking the time to make this video about our Winnipeg Relay.
